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Espionage is a game feature that allows you to gather helpful information about your enemies. There is a wide range of possible actions that your agents or spies can perform.

Agents / Instant Actions

Agents perform instant actions in foreign provinces with a 100% success rate, granting you immediate access to the results of their actions. Using them costs varying amounts of gold depending on the type of action, with the costs being displayed in the game.

Reveal Local Armies

Reveals a momentary snapshot of all armies in the target province as well as adjacent provinces, including armies of other nations present in these provinces. Armies revealed this way are marked with an espionage icon on the map. Espionage snapshots can become outdated when revealed armies receive new orders after the snapshot was taken. The snapshot remains visible until the next daychange.

Country Information

Reveals a nation’s resources, recent stock market orders, diplomatic relations, the last diplomatic message that was sent or received, spy positions, factory buildings and ongoing productions. Buildings remain visible until the next daychange.

Decrease Morale

Reveals a nation’s resources, recent stock market orders, diplomatic relations, the last diplomatic message that was sent or received, spy positions, factory buildings and ongoing productions. Buildings remain visible until the next daychange.

Disrupt Economy

Decreases morale of the target province by 10%.

Sabotage Building

Destroys a random percentage of the daily resource production of the target province.

Reveal Country’s armies

Reveals a momentary snapshot of all armies belonging to the target country, including armies stationed in foreign territory. Does not reveal armies of other nations stationed in this country. Armies revealed this way are marked with an espionage icon on the map. Espionage snapshots can become outdated when revealed armies receive new orders after the snapshot was taken. The snapshot remains visible until the next daychange.


Spies can be assigned to your own or foreign provinces in order to fulfill various missions. In contrast to instant actions, spy missions have a 50% chance of failure and are always completed on the next daychange. Deploying more than 1 spy in the same province increases the rate of success. There is also an inherent chance for spies getting caught either before or after they have executed their mission. Caught spies either vanish or join the enemy.

Recruiting spies costs money and having active spies in service also costs money as upkeep, being deducted each daychange. Spies leave if their upkeep can’t be paid. The costs and upkeep are displayed in the game and vary for each type of spy.

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Idle Spy

Idle Spies are available to be assigned to a mission. Even while idle they still cost upkeep.

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Has a chance to gather information about a nation’s resources, recent stock market orders, diplomatic relations, the last sent or received diplomatic message, spy positions, factory buildings and ongoing productions. Buildings remain visible until the next daychange. Also has a chance to reveal a momentary snapshot of all armies in the target province as well as in adjacent provinces, including armies of other nations present in these provinces. Armies revealed this way are marked with an espionage icon on the map. Espionage snapshots can become outdated when revealed armies receive new orders after the snapshot was taken. Revealed armies and buildings remain visible until the next daychange.

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Economic Sabotage

Has a chance to decrease the morale of the target province, as well as to destroy a random percentage of its daily resource production.

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Military Sabotage

Has a chance to damage a random building in the target province. Also has a chance to reveal a momentary snapshot of all armies of the target country. Armies revealed this way are marked with an espionage icon on the map. Espionage snapshots can become outdated when revealed armies receive new orders after the snapshot was taken. Revealed armies and buildings remain visible until the next daychange.

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Counter Espionage

Increases the chance of foreign spies failing their mission and being caught in the target province. Can only be assigned to your own provinces.

Espionage Interface

Espionage is a game feature that allows you to gather helpful information about your enemies. When opening the espionage menu for the first time it can be quite overwhelming. The guide below shows you how to use the interface effectively.

On mobile

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  1. Tap on the More menu in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Open the Espionage menu by tapping on the espionage button in the province bar.
    • If you want to open the espionage menu for a specific province, which is required in order to make use of spies or agents, you have to select the province on the map before opening the espionage menu. You can also access the espionage menu by tapping the espionage button in the province bar.
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  1. Open the Agents tab at the top to access a variety of instant actions which grant you immediate espionage results. A foreign province has to be selected on the map in order for these actions to be available.
  2. There are different Instant Actions available, which your agents can perform. These actions cost gold but are performed immediately with a 100% success rate. Visit the Espionage page for detailed information.
  3. A description of all instant actions can also be found by scrolling to the bottom of the interface.
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  1. Open the Spies tab to assign spies to a variety of missions.
  2. At the top you can see how many idle spies are in your service that are awaiting assignment. You can recruit new spies for money or dismiss existing spies via the buttons below.
  3. The type of available spy missions for the selected province are listed here. Foreign provinces allow you to send spies on information gathering or sabotage missions, while own provinces allow you to deploy counter intelligence spies.
  4. The current upkeep costs for each type of spy already present in the selected province is listed here.
  5. Remove or Add spies to the various mission types. You need to have idle spies available in order to assign them to a mission. Spies perform their action on daychange with a 50% success rate. There is also a chance that they are caught, which results in them vanishing or switching sides to the enemy.
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  1. Open the List tab to get an overview over all your spies currently in service.
  2. The different provinces and countries are listed where spies are carrying out their mission.
  3. The type of mission the spy is assigned to, is listed here.
  4. The current money upkeep costs that you are paying for each spy in your service, is listed here. Keep in mind that spies that you are unable to pay on daychange will leave your service.
  5. You have the option to recall assigned spies from their missions without having to select each province first. Simply tap on the retreat button for an assigned spy to convert it to an idle spy, waiting for a new assignment.
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  1. Open the Reports tab to see the results of the various spy missions and instant actions.
  2. The reports are separated by day of game. You can access reports from previous days by tapping the button.
  3. The report list shows information gathered and results from performed actions separated by country. Scroll through the list and try to use the provided information to your advantage.

On desktop

  1. Expand the Espionage menu via the button on the left edge of the screen.
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  1. On the left side of the screen you have your Espionage Headquarters, which includes a general overview as well as your daily Espionage Reports.
  2. The available Espionage actions for a selected province are shown in the window in the middle of the screen.
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Let’s look at these two panels in detail:

  1. At the top of the window, information about the selected province is shown, including the province name, the constructed buildings (if revealed), the current morale, resource production and Victory Points.
  2. When having a foreign province selected you can perform any Instant Action by clicking the various buttons. Instant actions cost gold but provide you with immediate results and a 100% success rate. Hovering over the buttons reveals additional information in the form of a tooltip. This information can also be accessed via the info button in the panel.
  3. On top of the mission diagram you see how many idle spies you have in your service that are awaiting assignment. You can recruit new spies for money or dismiss existing spies via the buttons on the side.
  4. The type of available spy missions for the selected province are listed at the bottom of the diagram. In this example a foreign province was selected, which enables you to assign spies to offensively-focused missions. Here you can see the currently assigned spies per mission type as well as their current money upkeep costs. Use the + button on the side to assign your idle spies to these missions, or use the - button to remove spies from their mission, converting them back to idle spies.
    • You can get additional details by hovering the mission icons in the panel or by clicking on the info button above the diagram.
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  1. If you have your own province selected, Instant actions are not available since they can only be performed on other nations.
  2. For your own provinces spies can only be assigned to counter espionage missions, which increase the chance of foreign spies failing their missions and being caught.
The Espionage Headquarters is opened on the left side of the screen, giving you an overview on spies in your service as well as espionage reports:
Espionage headquarterreports desktop.png
  1. At the top your current daily money upkeep costs from spies in your service are listed. Keep in mind, that spies that you cannot pay on daychange will leave your service. Here you can also see your current gold balance together with a button to visit the shop to acquire more gold for Instant Actions.
  2. Below you see a breakdown of your spies assigned to the various mission types, including the amount and their money upkeep costs.
  3. The reports are separated by day of game. You can access reports from previous days by clicking on the button.
  4. The report list shows information gathered and results from performed actions separated by country. Scroll through the list and try to use the provided information to your advantage.

Shared intelligence

Espionage reports are automatically shared with allies who you granted the Shared Intelligence diplomatic relation. You can give Shared Intelligence to players via their entries in the diplomacy list. Shared Intelligence can only be given by Premium Account owners.

On mobile

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  1. In the player profile of an allied player (accessible via the diplomacy list), tap on your relation icon to change it to Shared Intelligence if you want to grant that ally shared map and all of your espionage information.

On desktop

  1. In the diplomacy list, click on your relation icon to change it to Shared Intelligence if you want to grant that ally shared map and all of your espionage information.

Aircraft patrols

Patroling aircrafts also create espionage snapshots with their patrol tick, which happens every 15 minutes. This mechanic is similar to the espionage snapshots created by spies. The difference is that the snapshot from patroling is only created for armies within the patrol circle of the aircraft. Armies uncovered with an espionage snapshot remain visible until the next daychange. Keep in mind that espionage snapshots only show the situation from that point in time. Army position, composition or status may be outdated at a later point.